Scripting questions
- Script Collection Online (4 Replies)
- Faking an undo step for functions that aren't undoable in Gimp (2 Replies)
- GIMP 3 for the right click will be no more <Vectors> (1 Reply)
- How do I use the non-legacy version of Emboss from Python-fu? (3 Replies)
- How can I get a layer ID by its position ? [Script-Fu] (5 Replies)
- Panorama Projection (9 Replies)
- How to get the (x;y) coordinates of a layer ? [Script-Fu] (4 Replies)
- Calling Filters->Distorts->Waves from scheme (10 Replies)
- Q: Can AI Solve Scripting Problems? A: Yes (4 Replies)
- Gimp UI progress bar "cancel" (2 Replies)
- Currently Active Image (6 Replies)
- python-fu pdb.file_exr_save issue (0 Replies)
- Threading / Loops in Python Plugin (14 Replies)
- Script syntax for IMAGE or DRAWABLE (2 Replies)
- ofn-tiles : example image (5 Replies)
- current folder in plugin (14 Replies)
- gimpfu not detected by pylance (5 Replies)
- small plugin code help (17 Replies)
- drawable (1 Reply)
- plugin help: not appearing in gimp (2 Replies)