Full Version: Colors not correct and defaulting to brown
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For some reason today Gimp started having some kind of bug which is affecting all of my images I try to edit, in which no matter what color I try to select and use, it defaults to 735b35 and I can't make it stop or change color. it seems to only be affecting the drawing tools such as pencil.

an example of what it's doing: I'm working on pixel art and I have black as the foreground and red as the background, the images are all in RGB mode and I've tested turning color management off, but when I draw the color is brown (735b35) instead of black (000000) and if I select a different color using cntrl, or the color dropper it still makes them all brown, the paint bucket tool seems to work as it will make the colors work correctly, I have also uninstalled and reinstalled and it's still happening so I am not sure what the issue is at this point.

I am at the most recent version of gimp 2.10.38 (Revision 1)
What operating system are you using? You could start by re-setting Preferences > Color Management to default.
I'm using Windows 11, I tried resetting color management to default, also tried turning it off and it's still doing it. it's particularly strange its just the pencil group of tools that is doing it and not just all the tools, the paint bucket isn't doing that.
I seem to have solved it, at least for now but I don't understand why or how it happened, I tried clicking on every tool setting I could to see if it was something wrong with the pencil tool itself, and after I clicked on the "switch to another group of modes" button it seems to have fixed it, but I didn't even change the setting I simply clicked the button and now it seems to be working.  why would that have messed up? maybe a keyboard shortcut or just a random bug is all I can think of as I don't change that setting for any reason.
I don't use tools groups (I un-tick it in Preferences) so can't help you there. It's possible to return every setting back to defaults for each variable by clicking the anti-clockwise yellow arrows. Also for all tools with the same icon at the base of the toolbox.
Glad you fixed it Smile
I've never hit the button for "change to a different group of modes"  or changed it from default to legacy, even when I did click it which fixed the issue I didn't change anything, apparently it just needed to be clicked because it was bugged which makes no sense to me.

For anyone who randomly has that bug, the button I clicked is here: