Full Version: How to Create ART in GIMP | Raster Cartoon
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Hi Everyone, I am new to this Forum. My name is Daniel from Chennai.

I am using GIMP for nearly one year. I also have an YouTube Channel dealing with GIMP Tutorials.

In this post I'm gonna talk about how to cartoon yourself in GIMP. We all know that GIMP is the Raster Image Editing Software so you can only create Raster Cartoon Using Gimp.

Here is the Steps for Creating Raster Cartoon Version of Someone or Yourself
1. Open an Image and Scale its Height to 1080p
2. Select Pencil Tool
3. Change its Brush Hardness to 100
4. Change Brush Size to 3
5. Create a New Transparent Layer
6. Draw the Outline of the Subject using Shift+Left Click Method (Straight Line Method)
7. Change the Brush Size to 1
8. Draw the Inner Regions
9. Grab Bucket Fill Tool
10. Select Foreground Color
11. Pick the Colour inside the Image
12. Fill the Color
13. Create a New transparent layer
14. Use it for the Background
15. You successfully created the cartoon version of yourself.
Welcome to this new forum Daniel. I've just seen your tut. I'll try to do it. Thank you so much for it. Smile Which channel is it?

It'd be nice if you Daniel could post a sample of the final result of your tutorial. I don't understand it. Thank you.