Full Version: Re: Unable to Add Text to Image
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Huh  Newbie at Gimp 2.8 using Windows 10. I am able to add text to the canvas; but when I drag the text box onto the photo the text does not appear. What am I doing wrong? I first tried to add the text box onto the image itself; but the text does not appear when I start to type. I have searched all over google for help in regards to this subject; so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Normally, you start the text Tool, click on the canvas, which creates a mini dialog with font and format text control, and one or four small squares below it (these are the resize handles for the text layer, but since it is empty at that point, its size is 0, so the handles are all together). When you start typing the layer automatically widens:


What is not happening? Can you make a screenshot showing what you have, and if possible including the Tool options dialog for the Text tool?
(12-28-2016, 10:37 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]Normally, you start the text Tool, click on the canvas, which creates a mini dialog with font and format text control, and one or four small squares below it (these are the resize handles for the text layer, but since it is empty at that point, its size is 0, so the handles are all together). When you start typing the layer automatically widens:

What is not happening? Can you make a screenshot showing what you have, and if possible including the Tool options dialog for the Text tool?

I have no problem being able to add text to the canvas by using the text tool. But when I select and move the text layer onto the image itself the text disappears even though the outline of the whole text box still appears.

Do you still see the text layer in the Layers list ("T" icon, and name of the layer taken from text contents)? And if yes is the text layer at the top and is the opacity at 100%?
(12-28-2016, 11:05 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]Do you still see the text layer in the Layers list ("T" icon, and name of the layer taken from text contents)? And if yes is the text layer at the top and is the opacity at 100%?

Thanks for solving the problem as I did not have the text layer at the very top of the layers lists menu. I am still learning as this is my very first day at using Gimp.
