Full Version: "source contains no colors" despite following the instructions to import palette
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(03-02-2018, 11:47 AM)gnuimpcub Wrote: [ -> ]How do I use this script? I did put "sample-gradient-along-path.scm" in my HOME/.gimp-2.8/scripts/ directory, refreshed Filters > Script Fu, logged out, rebooted. However, when I try Windows > Dockable Dialogues > Gradients no Gradient Dialogue apears, nothing. How can I activate this dialogue?

It does not look like you have done anything wrong there. Try and follow this through.

First general information about finding plugins (and script-fu).

[Image: 8Lo6B42.jpg]

If they are installed correctly and working they show using Help -> Plug-in Browser (1) which brings up a search facility. Enter a possible term (2) and look for your script in the results (3). In the information, it gives the location of the script (4)

In this case, look in the gradients dialogue.

In the gradients dialogue (5) a right click pops up the menu, with the plugin entry (6) That gives you the script dialogue. (7)

[Image: c4pA0mY.jpg]

After you have applied the script. Refresh the gradients (8) Look for the new Gradient. (9) Up there because it is in your Profile folder ~/.gimp-2.8/gradients the entries below are the default gradients that come with Gimp.

[Image: CoL1dO7.jpg]
@rich2005: the procedure went exactly as detailed by you, except, when I execute the script I get

Is it because I could not set a path? Nothing to set in this path menu! Always empty, despite klicking like a chanpion Wink
Nearly there: You do not have a path set.

[Image: E709FfX.png]

Make a simple one-stroke path before invoking the script.
Thank you! I never worked with paths. Had to take a crash course immediately. Now it works. Nice feature :)

I never knew that Gimp would be a story like this

for me ;)
(03-02-2018, 06:24 PM)gnuimpcub Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you! I never worked with paths. Had to take a crash course immediately. Now it works. Nice feature Smile

I never knew that Gimp would be a story like this

for me Wink

Nice one Wink Not only you - everyone. I have been using Gimp since 2004 and linux since 2005

Always something new to learn, although have to confess, I do have some less-than-correct favourite methods.
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