Full Version: Removing excess colors from monochromatic color palette
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Basically, I'm looking to remove colors that seem out of place in strokes because of the color difference.

[Image: 19357afb4d.png]

The red arrows here are pointing to random looking colors that seem out of place. Pinkish and greenish, generally. The blue circles are the colors I'm looking to normalize the outlines to. Unfortunately, selecting them with the magic wand is a pain and the color picker no less. The color filters that I then use aren't very accurate as to where I'd like the regular colors to be. I've tried selecting the lines themselves with the magic wand so that I could try to feather the selection and then fill it in with the color I'd like, but there's a very narrow window that I was able to find that kept teetering between selecting a small handful of pixels on the line, and it leaking the selection into other parts of the image. I imagine that there's a much easier way that I'm not aware of.

Solution? Tips?

Thanks for any feedback.
If the image is color-indexed, Windows>Dockable dialogs>Color map. Spot the color in the color map, edit to give it the same value as the color you want these pixels to be. This doesn' really remove the color from the map, but if you go Image>Mode>RGB and Image>Mode>Indexed again, you should have less colors in the color map.