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I am having problems when I want to export images to .JPG file (or any other format).

Shouldn't the extension of the file change automatically to the one I choose in the drop-down menu?

The way it is now, I have to manually change the extension every time I want to export the image, and if I want to export it, isn't it logical that I want to change the image type?


[Image: GIMP_Export_image_Extension_problem_cr.png]
No, the thing you see at the bottom is just a filter to show existing files (in some case is matches several extensions). The extension is the one you put at the top.
You can use the list on the other side. As ofnuts that list filters the file names in the active directory.


The other side of the dialog works


but after many years of using Gimp, typing in the extension .jpg / .tiff / .gif ... and Gimp will bring up the correct export dialogue and is as fast a way as any.

thanks for the reply and the clarification.

So I have to click, scroll, click again, to change the extension type, and I have to do it every time I open new project?
(03-28-2018, 02:13 PM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]...
but after many years of using Gimp, typing in the extension .jpg / .tiff / .gif ... and Gimp will bring up the correct export dialogue and is as fast a way as any.

I guess typing is the way to go. Smile
