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I have several favorite folders in system file browser, but gimp application is not showing up all of the favorite folders in the left pane when I opened the file browser in gimp for saving files. Even I only may add the last sub folder of some files not the parent folders. It is weird to explain like this. How do you guys manage to add favorite folders for gimp application to save and open files?

It seems that the system file browser is capable of adding any folder as a favorite folder, but the gimp file browser won't adding the root folder of mounted disk as a favorite folder. Anyone know about this? Am I the first one who find out this?
(05-03-2018, 12:47 AM)gimp-artist Wrote: [ -> ]but gimp application is not showing up all of the favorite folders in the left pane

At the bottom of the left pane is a + and a - button. Use these to add and remove folders to the left pane as required.