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In the Image menu there is a submenu called "align visible layers...". I don't understand how it works. Collecting works like intended, but the fill operation has no sense to me. Somehow it distributes layers, but it works arbitrary. I don't get what it is really. Doc doesn't help. Finally there is no explanation about the grid size at all.

Anyone knows about the "align visible layers..."?
Quote:....Finally there is no explanation about the grid size at all.

Well, you already know more about it than me. Keep experimenting.

The grid makes more sense if you apply a bespoke grid to an image. Image -> Configure Grid and use the same grid size in the align layers dialogue.

This before:

and after.

The layers moved to the closest grid position.
The behavior sort of makes sense if you consider that
  • the "fill" is between the edge(s) that you select (top/left, here), and the farthest opposite boundar(ies) of the moved layers (right of red, bottom of green)
  • layers are ordered using their stack order
This menu doesn't work. I've decided not to use it.