Full Version: adding texture to apha channel
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Hi, I am trying out Gimp 2.10, and I am having a hard time editing my image's alpha channel. In Photoshop, adding textures or painting a texture in the alpha channel is really simple. Basically, for adding a texture, you would copy an image from another image and simply paste it in the alpha channel. With the other method, you can paint in the alpha channel directly. Here is an example...

How to use Texture Masks, and embed them in an Alpha Channel - UE4 tutorial

is this possible in Gimp 2.10
To edit the alpha channel of a layer:
  • Layer>Mask>Add layer mask and initialize to Transfer layer's alpha channel.
  • In the Layers list you will see two thumbnails for the layer, one is the layer (without alpha channel) and the other one is the mask
  • Click on either to designate the targets of your edits.
  • The status bar at the bottom of the image window tells you if you are editing the layer (layer_name) or the mask (layer_name mask)
  • If the mask is the active one when you paste, what you paste will be merged in the mask when you "anchor" the paste.