Full Version: How to add shininess to car textures in Gimp?
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In the process of creating car textures on the side view, front view and rear view, how do I make shiny metallic textures on the car body with reflection? Also is there a way to auto add shadows and shading depending on light direction as if it were a 3d render?
Adding shine and shadows is often more of an art than a technical skill. Many different methods, method will depend on the actual image.

Here is an example of shine (last item - Gimp shiny button):

Here is some info on shadows:

Will help to post an example image.
Oh, thanks. I'm a good programmer but not a very good artist, my weakest point in game development.
This makes me think of the 'Plastic or Glass' script, which adds three layers of shine to an object derived from a bumpmap.

I think Graechan wrote it based on ChrisF's candy effect.

Might be worth a try.