Full Version: Even drawing a rotated ellipse is so difficult for beginner!
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I wish to draw a rotated ellipse, on top of the picture of a wrist, as shown below.
I am able to figure out how to draw an ellipse and rotate it, but the inner area
of the ellipse is white and would hide the hand.

Below is an illustration of what I want,it's hand-drawn, but I need a perfect 
rotate ellipse.

Please step by step or highlight the key step for me and I figure out the details, I am so frustrated as an amateur beginner of GIMP
Create an Ellipse selection.

Then use any transform tool (rotate, scale, shear, unified, handke...) in "Transform selection mode" (middle icon in the "Transform" line at the top of the Tool options).

Then bucket-fill or stroke.
The above in screenshots:

(1) Make an elliptical selection.
(2) Use the Rotate tool in the selection mode (3)


(4) Use the Move tool in the selection mode (5)
(6) Edit -> Stroke selection Set a line width The Foreground colour is used.


Remember to kill the selection when complete Select -> None

edit: Always good practice to draw on a new transparent layer. Any mistakes easy to fix.