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Hi. I've seen something on Instagram I want to create in GIMP. It's a gig photo. It's one image of a person fading in slowly then out again. Can this be done in GIMP? If so, how? I do use GIMP and have done for a while and have created GIFs before. Thank you
I have the progressive-merge script that can be used for this: it generates an animation where an image progressively blends into another. You can complement it with mirror-layers that copies/reverses the adequate layers to generate the backwards move over the animation, so that the total is a complete cycle.

Both scripts are here.
As well as Ofnuts plugins Gimp does have an animation blend filter Filters -> Animation -> Blend

A bit more hands on, you need to create an intermediate layer.

Demo  1 minute 50 secs

Would play like this (except this is a video not a gif which was a bit on the large-file-size)

edit: A better example with a transparent background for the figures.
I wanted to donut without plugins but this is exactly what I need. I'll figure it out. Thank you and Merry Christmas!