Full Version: Questionnaire- Developing New Effects Plugin
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Hi everyone,

The questionnaire takes 5 minutes to fill out, it's anonymous, and it would be a BIG help. 

Read a little about the project ⬇️

I am a computer science student doing a human-computer interaction project with a team. We are building a plugin to let users easily insert custom scripts for effects into a GUI. We will also be creating a website to let users search for, browse, and share scripts for use in that plugin. 

Here is the link:
Installing script/plugins in Gimp is not that hard, it's just dropping a file in the appropriate directory. The only thing that could be easier is dropping the file on Gimp itself. The difficult parts:
  • Discovering the script
  • Figuring out how it works, because there are many authors, each with their own idiosyncrasies
  • Making reasonably sure that we have the latest version
  • Making sure that the script hasn't been altered in some mischievous way
  • Keeping the script running when the Gimp core changes, which can require tracking the author or someone who can repair the problems.
And the author's point of view:
  • Support for one's favorite language, including extensions that may look totally irrelevant but end up being useful (for instance, an XML parser)
  • Easiness of debugging
  • Instant reload of new version
  • Repository with decent statistics.
Thank you for your feedback! We really appreciate!

We welcome any additional comments that anyone is willing to provide.