Full Version: Please help me creating this text effect
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Hi I do content creating for my business and have started using GIMP to create some content.

I was wondering if someone can help me achieve the effect I am trying to create.

I am creating black text and I want to create the black text with a kind of glowing white outline around it.

[Image: giSDZTPoD73ZzxQm6]

So far I have just been creating one layer of black text, duplicating the layer and then on the lower layer making the text white and slightly bigger than the other text on the upper layer.

This kind of gives the effect of a glowing white outline around it but it is not perfect becasue the text does not always line up and it doesnt look totally neat.

Can someone please give me a quick tutorial on the correct way to create this effect?

Please see example attached. here is the link if its not working:
Basically a drop shadow. Filters -> Light and Shadow -> Drop Shadow

You can apply that directly on the text layer (1)  Start the filter, break the link between X and Y (2) Set the colour, Blur radius zero, opacity max. (3) Play with the X Y values.  Note when the filter is applied, the text layer becomes a regular layer


A glow to the text, one way.
Start off with the text layer duplicated (4). The top layer as before. The bottom layer for a 'glow' Set a colour, set blur radius, set opacity (5)

Using the GEGL drop shadow (there is a legacy version) you can see the effect as you apply it.
Thats great thank you! I will try this tomorrow and reply if I have any issues.