Full Version: how do I feather the cut when I cut out a path?
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Greetings folks--
When I cut out something from a picture, say a person, I want to feather the edges so it looks a little more natural.  Does anyone have any idea how to do that?  Currently I am using a path to do the cut, although I would be open to other suggestions.
Thanks in advance for you help.
The path is not the cut. What does the cut is the selection you get from the path, but you can feather that selection a bit (Select>Feather) after you obtain it from the path and before you use it for the cut.
Thank-you, Ofnuts! That sure helps me out.
My suggestion: Use a layer mask. Path to Selection -> Layer Mask from selection.

Then you can edit the layer mask without destroying the image. Example apply a gaussian blur, although I prefer to dive in at a pixel level with a small fuzzy brush. All sorts of things you can do.