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Hello all, i'm new at this forum, 

i'm a person with special needs, and a long term linux user

i'm working at my daycare center with Gimp...

and Due Corona i'm at home as a lot of others

now my question
i've gotten into a 3 layers project... 

the goal is getting a giant bunny into a street photo 

so i did manage to cut the streets, and sky... and also get the giant bunny in the picture

i've added the alpha layer, did a search on YT and tried erasing the whole part of the sky and vice versa,

i wanted to be more precise and tried the inteligent scissors and that worked even better, and be able to get both sky and street in new layers
also with inverted mode it was a breeze to get both...
but now the part i'm really struggling with..
i cant get the edges exact due to the sometimes inacurate behavior of the intelligent scissors
so i'm kinda bummed out...

what steps do i have to do to make the whole picture better?

thanks a lot !
Hard to tell without a sample of what you did. IN the scissors are best used on hard edges. Fluffy things are hard to cut out. Sometimes the best solution is to have a fuzzy cut...
As Ofnuts writes difficult to say. The scissors are not a wonderful selection tool and once something is cut, anything missing is usually gone for good.

A better way is get into the habit of using layer masks. then even with the scissors tool the image can be corrected.

This is an overall look at what you might do with layermasks. No hanging around so you might need to watch it a couple of times.  duration 6 minutes.

(04-24-2020, 04:12 PM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]As Ofnuts writes difficult to say. The scissors are not a wonderful selection tool and once something is cut, anything missing is usually gone for good.

A better way is get into the habit of using layer masks. then even with the scissors tool the image can be corrected.

This is an overall look at what you might do with layermasks. No hanging around so you might need to watch it a couple of times.  duration 6 minutes.

this just kinda the sort of project i'm having atm....

thanks !
hi guys !

the fuzzy tool worked like a charm...

also fixed stuff myself with the blending thingy
being able to get the lines exact so thats great !

now i've got another question

as i mentioned... got a bunny take over the world thingy...

i've got 2 layers created with the fuzzy tool...
and added a merge between 2...

i'm trying to get the bunny between the "sky and street"
i've added bunny by layer with alpha channel ( after again using the fuzzy tool to delete the background)

now i've got the issue that bunny's feet are showing thru the street...

what am i doing wrong?
Can be various things.
Post a screenshot of what you have. All of Gimp including layers, tools, tool options.

Even better if the Gimp xcf is not too large attach that.
hi guys !

great news, just trial and errored stuff...

the seccond layer showed thru the third layer, and figured out that i can use the eraser in anti mode to solve stuff