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How do I determine all colors in a photo?
You can count them (Colors>Info>Color cube analysis). Given that there are easily over a  hundred thousands of them, getting the exact list is of little use.
(05-03-2020, 04:24 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]You can count them (Colors>Info>Color cube analysis). Given that there are easily over a  hundred thousands of them, getting the exact list is of little use.

I was just trying to all the shades of "green" in the photo....not the rest of the colors.
It is for a puzzle and I need to get the hex values of the greens in the photo.

Windows>Dockable dialogs>Histogram. Select the green channel, that should look like a haircomb is there are discrete values. You can use the handles that define a range to get the position/value of each "tooth".