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(09-20-2020, 05:05 PM)Krikor Wrote: [ -> ]Hi vpkumar,
I am little more than a beginner with Gimp. I have fun learning a little bit every day.
Congratulations on this new hobby and the constant desire to learn.

There are some good articles and tutorials available on this topic.
I suggest reading on the Blog of Pat David, a great guru from whom I learned a lot:

Getting Around in GIMP I - Luminosity Masks

GettIng Around in GIMP II - Luminosity Masks Revisited

It is even possible not to use any script to use the Luminosity Masks features
The modification made to the image below was basically made using channels, masks and curves.
[Image: 1PZqv8E.png]

The video of this link is very instructive: Selecting using Luminosity Masks -
 Hi Krikore,

Thanks a lot. You are a seasoned gimper as per the forum. SO you are far ahead. Thanks for the suggestion. I have gone through the video abd also the blog by Peter David. They are instructive. I did make the  channels as given in the tutorial and  it is a bit tedious while using the scrip is fast. But then I know that we have to patient in Gimp and to undertaker things you have to do things yourself and not depend on scripts.

I am in the process of making a digital album enhancing all my family old photographs and I am just learning. There is still a long way to go. But I find it very interesting.
Thanks for your support.
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