Full Version: please somewhat save me - layer cropping different size image issue
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I am so confused I have looked at random help things online but I can't figure it out. I am trying to add layers that are different dimensions into my project and have them not get cropped into the first layer size or have a large white background if the picture is smaller than the first image layer size. how the heck can I just have different dimensioned / sized layers please help im so confused I dont know if anyohne is going to see this or rspond in a dtimely manner but fingers crossed I guess thank you!
Usually best to start with the largest image, so that subsequent layers do not fall outside the canvas size.

Can be fixed by Image -> Fit Canvas to Layers

Excess borders ? For a completed image, why not just crop it ? Or, if there are transparent borders, Image -> Crop to Content

Then for a layer, there is the same Layer -> Crop to Content

If you are getting white borders then somewhere along the workflow, add transparency to the layer Layer -> Transparency -> Add Alpha Chanel

All sorts of combinations of those. Some examples: 3 minutes duration.