Full Version: Higher contrast for selection border?
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I am nearly certain I am saying this wrong, but I would like to increase the contrast of the selection tool border. This could be by changing it's color or some other method. My eyes are not what they used to be and I sometimes have trouble telling if I have everything I want selected inside the selection area. To be clear, I am talking about the dashed black line that appears around the selection. Ideally I would be able to modify it for the paint brush tools as well, but that is a less serious issue for me generally and easier to fix.

In typical applications I would expect to find a properties window somewhere that I could modify these, but I have not been able to locate anything.

- Ernie
(11-16-2020, 04:30 PM)eepjr24 Wrote: [ -> ]I am nearly certain I am saying this wrong, but I would like to increase the contrast of the selection tool border. This could be by changing it's color or some other method. My eyes are not what they used to be and I sometimes have trouble telling if I have everything I want selected inside the selection area. To be clear, I am talking about the dashed black line that appears around the selection. Ideally I would be able to modify it for the paint brush tools as well, but that is a less serious issue for me generally and easier to fix.

Changing the 'crawling ants' unfortunately is not possible, it is embedded in the Gimp code somewhere.

Sort of helps with that and also the 'modify with a paint tool' is using the quick mask. Bottom of the Selection menu or Shift-Q or the little icon bottom left in the main Gimp window. see:  

Toggle on/off just to 'see' the selection or use Black/White to paint in or out the selection. The x key toggles FG/BG to make this easier.

(11-16-2020, 05:01 PM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]Changing the 'crawling ants' unfortunately is not possible, it is embedded in the Gimp code somewhere.

Sort of helps with that and also the 'modify with a paint tool' is using the quick mask. Bottom of the Selection menu or Shift-Q or the little icon bottom left in the main Gimp window. see:  

Toggle on/off just to 'see' the selection or use Black/White to paint in or out the selection. The x key toggles FG/BG to make this easier.


Okay, reading the help was good, but your video illustration really made it very clear. Thanks!

- E
Maybe from menu Select - Selection Editor , You can see the selected area all blank in the window that this menu will open.