Full Version: How to change interface language?
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Seriously. No English language in GIMP? I've just installed it to try to edit some .DDS files. I've specifically told the installer to use English. At least the installer was in English. Not GIMP.
GIMP used the system language (which is NOT English in my case). If anybody wonders why I'm not happy with my native language despite the fact that the translation is fine - it's because if I watch a tutorial video on Youtube that I should click menu A and look for menu item B then click submenu C (which are all in English) it will be difficult to find them on a non-English interface. I could find the well-hidden submenu to change GIMP's language - unfortunately there was no English option of the couple dozen available languages. Seriously, I had to uninstall GIMP and reinstall it without the translation files...
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