Full Version: Are we able to control scale of pattern fill?
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I know how to select a pattern for use with bucket fill, but I cannot find a way to make the tiles larger. The GIMP user manual just mentions it's available, but that's about it. I am unable to find anything addressing this. Is it even possible? 

I did scale the entire layer as a workaround, but surely there's a better way. Is there a plug-in for this?
(12-12-2020, 08:50 PM)Ritergeek Wrote: [ -> ]I know how to select a pattern for use with bucket fill, but I cannot find a way to make the tiles larger. The GIMP user manual just mentions it's available, but that's about it. I am unable to find anything addressing this. Is it even possible? 

I did scale the entire layer as a workaround, but surely there's a better way. Is there a plug-in for this?
"The GIMP user manual just mentions it's available": where is this mention?

You can make a one-tile image with the pattern, scale the imageto the required pattern size, copy it to the clipboard, and then use the "Clipboard" pattern. But on the whole the bitmap pattern don't scale very well.
There is the Scale-rotate-pattern, it can be downloaded at
Thanks both. I'll give that script a try.