Full Version: Removing alpha channel
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Hi all,
As stated in the title. I have a bunch of textures I've already created...(layers are all done, textures have been edited and saved) I now find out that I need to remove the alpha channel in order to use them. I saw on stack exchange the question answered, but cannot seem to do it in my version of gimp, 2.10.8
I have my images saved to .bmp, and never had them in I can't go into the layers tab and find the "remove alpha channel" selection.
Am converting to .png but need to figure out how to remove alpha channel at the same time.
The channels collumn on the right shows it, I took out the "eye" and greyed out the channel, but this does not seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated, 

Nevermind, I found it! haha, sorry!

It does work in layer, afterall. 

Layer tab--transparency--remove alpha channel

Easy peasy.
Or yet...
In the layers dialog, click with the right mouse button and in the pop up menu that appears, you will also find this option. Remove alpha channel.