Full Version: Having trouble loading My paint brushes on Linux/Chromebook OS
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I just got this new Chrome OS laptop about 2 weeks ago and just installed GIMP. I am very new to how Chrome, Linux, and GIMP just getting to know my way around after using Windows system for years.

 I was trying to install some new brushes, did what the Gimp manual said to do up until Linux gave me the error message: 'bash no file or directory found'   Huh 
what do I need to do to fix this? I have a painting in mind that I have wanted to do for a while that has a galaxy scene but I cannot find the right effect or brush that 
would work. 
BTW where do I find GIMP plugins?  Blush 

 Any and all help would be greatly appreciated

Caveat: I do not have a modern chromebook with the embedded linux OS.
Can you give a bit more information. Do you know which linux distribution is installed? Did you do something like this for Ubuntu or was linux already there ? (Gimp 2.10.14 so might be debian linux) 

How did you install Gimp ? Is it a flatpak? as or a regular Gimp install using something like apt-get install gimp  It matters because a regular installation is easier to handle than a flatpak.

How to find folder (directory) locations, say for brushes:: Start up Gimp, Use the menu Edit -> Preferences then down to Folders expand that to show the list. Go to brushes and look at the folder locations. There should be two. The one marked writable (1) is where to put your new brushes. It might be possible to create an additional more convenient folder as (2) This is my installation, take no notice of the actual paths, it is just for reference.


Can you post a screenshot like that ? it gives information about the type of Gimp (flatpak / standard / something-else) installed.

Quote:BTW where do I find GIMP plugins?

Much the same as brushes, there are scripts something.scm which go in the scripts folder and plugins compiledfile or which go in the plugins folder. Where to find. All over the place but you could start here:  Get to know how Gimp works first.
Thanks a lot for all the info, Rich  Wink

 I will keep you posted on how things go; I think I may have figured out the actual file path to get my brushes but it isn't working  Huh 
I put in a screenshot
As you found, your brushes go in /home/kjwengel13/.config/Gimp2.10/brushes That is standard regular Gimp 2.10 (a good thing)

What is provided in the way of file managers ? Might be Nautilus or if a 'light' linux Thunar. Regardless, in linux a file or folder starting with a 'dot' as with .config is 'hidden'

There will be an option in a file manager to 'Show hidden files' often a key shortcut is ctrl-h. You can copy/move files using terminal commands (as your screenshot) but as a newcomer to linux you do not really want to go there.

The other thing to note about linux (unlike Windows) is it is case sensitive. A brush grunge.gbr is not the same as Grunge.gbr is different from gRunge.gbr

posted from my Acer C720 chromebook, which is now 6 years old, long ago dumped chromeOS, now runs xubuntu 18.04 Wink