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Hello my dears. 
Am curious how restless it is here in this forum. Makes a quiet impression for now Smile

Picture A: seil_weiß
Image B: seil_braun

I would like to edit a color of a picture. I have picture A (and picture B actually not). But I made both pictures once, to be able to get the matching hue, for upcoming edits. 

So I would like image A (the rope of the trunk) to have the same hue as image B at the end, or the gradient as well. So far I have tried it with in 2 ways:

1. variant: (a la YouTube - change apple color).
1. select area of the rope.
2. create new transparent layer.
3. set color and put gradient over it and change intensity in layer settings. 

2nd variation: (a la YouTube motorcycle rim color wehcseln).
1. create layer in black.
2. set intensity to 75%.
3. erase the area to be colored. 
4. choose color selection to determine the area and then tint or colorize.

Surely both are not the professional variants. But maybe someone can help me or even say ne not possible (:

Translated with (free version)
Maybe something like this

make selection
use Colors -> Colorize
use Colors -> Curves and apply small 'S' curve
