Full Version: Find Waldo (little pic) in Where is Waldo (large pic)
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I have two pictures. One is a huge Waldo picture, for example this one:

The other one is a tiny little picture with Waldo, it was cut from that large picture and saved as an individual pic. Can I somehow feed GIMP with both pictures, instead of searching for the little Waldo picture with my eyes for hours? Gimp should kind of tell me or mark the position or whatever to show me where that little pic inĀ is in the large one.

You can give the two pictures to Gimp, but you should also give it some script that will move the little pic over the big one, compute the difference and stop when it goes below some threshold. But for a small 1000x800 (800.000 pixels), you'll have to do that 400.000 times on the average.
Thanks, but how do I do that? Script sounds like programming, I was hoping on a tool which does the finding.
Yes, it's programming. Gimp is an image editor, not a general purpose image analysis tool. And even then, doing it efficiently isn't that easy (Google "find small image in big image")
Very complicated: For Windows, an example of both matching and searching, but it is command line using ImageMagick

You could try asking the question on the ImageMagick forum in the users section