Full Version: Tablet setup help and best practices.
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I am a newbie to Gimp and graphics programs in general.  I am taking a high school image design class using GIMP.  I am learning a lot and enjoy it.  My dad got me a XP-Pen Deco Pro small drawing tablet to use with GIMP.  I am having a hard time getting it going that way I think it should work.  

I have it connected and the right drivers in place.  I am trying to get the wheel to move change brushes and the touchpad to zoom in/out and pan.  If anyone has one, can that offer any help to make that work?

Also - best practices using tablets with GIMP?  Is there any settings that would be the most efficient?  There are some shortcut buttons I am tying to decide what is he best as well.  I want to get the most out of these two together so if you have any advice please let me know!

Thank you 
You might have a bit of a wait for someone who also uses one of those drawing tablets to come along on this forum.

Looking at search results, this has a built-in key functions and what looks like a circular 'mouse' joystick maybe ?  At least there is a tiny bit of manufacturer advice for Gimp users.  Nice to see that.

Using that Edit -> Input Devices -> Screen setting should get the tablet stylus working. Without the Screen setting a tablet works as a mouse. If you have a mouse (or touchpad) and it shows up in the settings, it will work independent of the tablet. Each retain their own settings, tools / colours / brushes etc. and swap over when used which can be confusing.

Quote:I am trying to get the wheel to move change brushes and the touchpad to zoom in/out and pan

Changing brushes is a click on an icon in the brushes dock, use the stylus for that, however size is set up for a mouse-wheel+keys Just as easy to use the sliders in the tool options. Find the setting in Edit -> Preferences -> Input Controllers.Who knows there might be something for your tablet.


Zoom in / out with a tablet, usually a mouse function ctrl-alt-mouse wheel but you can pan with a stylus - hold the space bar down.
Does the Tablet software have any functions for assigning keyboard functions to the tablet? 

Not much I can really help you with, I use linux as an OS and an ancient Wacom occasionally. Have to say Gimp 2.10.22 is better than earlier Gimp 2.10 sub-versions. I see there is a reddit forum  That must be the best bet for questions.
Thank you so much for your reply!