Full Version: Gimp on Linux with OpenCL
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I use GIMP 2.10.24 under Ubuntu 20.10 and I would like to improve the speed of my workflow, using my nVidia RTX2070 OpenCL features.

However I did not find any setting in Edit -> Preferences -> System Resources relative to OpenCL or nVidia (screenshot).

Any idea would be welcome.

Thx a lot.
It is moved to the "playground" section Wink  Run Gimp with the --show-playground switch to show it in Edit -> Preferences and enable the option.
gimp --show-playground


Ubuntu 20.10 and Gimp 2.10.24 ? Is this a flatpak or a snap ? I have no idea how you might run Gimp with that switch, however a little dabbling and a search of my Gimp user profile finds the setting in the gimprc file. Easy enough to add it to the top.

# GIMP gimprc

# This is your personal gimprc file.  Any variable defined in this file takes
# precedence over the value defined in the system-wide gimprc:
# /media/rich/Data/gimp-app-2-10-22/squashfs-root/usr/etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc
# Most values can be set within GIMP by changing some options in the
# Preferences dialog.

(use-opencl yes)
(interpolation-type nohalo)
Thx a lot, It works great