Full Version: Slow performance on GIMP 2.10.24 (low cpu usage and virtually 0 gpu usage)
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Hey yall,

I recently downloaded GIMP and have just started to learn the software. Through my experimenting, I have noticed a few performance issues.

When I simply try to move an image after selecting it, it lags behind my cursor. In addition, when I use the foreground select tool, it takes around 10 seconds to show the preview. I am surprised about these performance issues because I have a capable system. Ryzen 4900, rtx 2060, 16gb ram. 

When I checked the task manager, the CPU usage never went above 40 percent, and the GPU was at 0 or 1 percent. 

Is there a way I can fix these performance issues?

Quote:When I simply try to move an image after selecting it, it lags behind my cursor. In addition, when I use the foreground select tool, it takes around 10 seconds to show the preview. I am surprised about these performance issues because I have a capable system. Ryzen 4900, rtx 2060, 16gb ram.

Not a common issue but has been reported in the past. with no real solution that I can see.

Is there any other hardware to consider ? Are you using 4K monitor or a dual monitor setup ? I have seen laggy cursor reported with 4K monitor and Windows.

You could post another bug report.

GPU The option to enable opencl is now in the playground section. A screenshot here:
Some reports I see say Gimp is actually slower with GPU enabled.