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If you want to keep the same photo
Here a video tuto => How to animate a still photo using GIMP
(Although it was all made with G'MIC > Deformations > Morph [Interactive] Wink )

Brilliant video. Never saw this before :+1

Thanks @ricch2005 . It is ok even if you skip. I asked because there is a video on GC which the author seems to have done with utmost ease with Shotcut.
Yes, saw that, however this is an animation not video and typically not that many layer (frames)

Not difficult using standard Gimp principles to create an effect. Might not be automatic, I just thinned the original number of layers, and cloned out depending on the position of the water. Guarantee faster than learning yet another video editor.

Ok. The way OP talked about it, I thought it would be a simple process. Thanks.
(07-07-2021, 08:52 AM)meetdilip Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. The way OP talked about it, I thought it would be a simple process. Thanks.

Well try it, nothing ventured, ...etc. but I though you were keen on using kdenlive that probably has a similar feature. I am not that familiar with either so I can not comment on which is best. Just afraid you will jump from one application to another and never get a full understanding of any.

I have been using Gimp for years and I am still learning.
I understand. I am comfortable with KdenLive. I am still a beginner at it. But different people suggest their favourite tool. And when we try to talk about something different, that is as good as annoying them. So I try to use the tool mentioned in the thread or video.
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