Full Version: Programmatically change text
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I'm trying to figure out how to programmatically change text in a layer and then save the output? 

My use case is trying to add a version number (aka limited edition) to a digital photograph. I would like to do this 100 times and have an end result of 100 images that have a minor change of 1/100, 2/100, ... 100/100. 

Thank you for the help or suggestions!
May be you have something in BIMP (it's a plug in for GIMP) BIMP stands for "Batch Manipulation Image"
In Filters > G'MIC > Various > Custom Code[] , here you go to input some code to increment a number -> you can affect ALL layers,
if you need helps they all are on
they all are very nice gals/guys whiling to help with code Wink
Thank you for the great suggestions