Full Version: color shift troubles
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i want to color shift this image to be insted of gray and purple, gray and yellow. everythink ive tried doesnt work for some reazon when i manualy color it yellow it just turns into gray
(08-20-2021, 01:55 PM)d0a1v2i3d Wrote: [ -> ]i want to color shift this image to be insted of gray and purple, gray and yellow. everythink ive tried doesnt work for some reazon when i manualy color it yellow it just turns into gray

This isĀ  a (quite rare) instance of a color-indexed PNG. The short answer is: use Image > Mode > RGB to fix your problem.

The explanation is here: What are color-indexed images (a.k.a. Why are my colors all wrong)?
tysm will try soon, worked