Full Version: Image disappears when I try to scale?
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I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong all of a sudden. If I right click and copy and image from the net, then paste it as new image into Gimp, when I select the scale option from ‘Transform’ the image disappears and leaves me with that chequered background. I can see the selection lines of the image, and can change the size, but where’s the image??
If you have a 'floating selection' check that it is visible (the 'eye' icon next to the layer in the layer dock)
(08-22-2021, 07:41 AM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]If you have a 'floating selection' check that it is visible (the 'eye' icon next to the layer in the layer dock)

Thanks. I checked. The 'eye' is visible but the image I'm trying to resize still changes to the chequred background of the canvas on which it's paced.

Also, sorry, but I didn't explain myself very well in the OP. This happens when I create a blank image, then 'paste' another image onto the canvas, and try to resize the pasted image. After pasting, the image is selected (bordered by the running ants) but when I go to rescale and click on it, the canvas changes to the chequred grid and it tries to make me resize the canvas instead of the images I pasted onto it.
You explained it OK, it is just I cannot reproduce the problem, other than layer visibility, some times in combination with unified tool preview toggle.

Can you post a screenshot of the whole Gimp interface, Tools / tool options / layers docks. Maybe the settings will show something.

If you are copying directly from the internet, try an alternative approach. Download rather than copy to clipboard then open-as-layers the downloaded image.
(08-23-2021, 05:35 PM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]You explained it OK, it is just I cannot reproduce the problem, other than layer visibility, some times in combination with unified tool preview toggle.

Can you post a screenshot of the whole Gimp interface, Tools / tool options / layers docks. Maybe the settings will show something.

If you are copying directly from the internet, try an alternative approach. Download rather than copy to clipboard then open-as-layers the downloaded image.

Thanks. I'll post a screenshot, but I'll also try saving the image instead. I use copy because it saves time and means I don't end up with two copies when I save after making changes to the image.

BRB with a screenshot.

The first shows the selected pasted image, the second is what happens after I choose rescale and click on it:
It's because you've selected the whole image in the option of the scale transform tool (on the second screenshot)
Select the the layer... not the canvas
Layer = red arrow = click on that icon Wink
Also "image opacity" of that tool should be at 100, not at 0.0
It is as above and a bit more. Transparency is zero, make it 100 and scaling the wrong layer.


should be 

Great! Thank you, both. Those solutions fixed it!