Full Version: Gradient in Inkscape
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Hi, is there any method to use this inside GIMP or Inkscape ?

I need to make a few texts based on Gold, Silver, Platinum and Bronze.  Thanks.
I can not find anything that will convert that .ai file into anything useful.

There is a collection of metallic Gimp .ggr gradients here:

How do they work in Inkscape ? - Drag the .ggr file into the page (not into the fill & stroke dialogue) example:

Easy way to make metallic text in Gimp:
Thanks @rich2005

Can you tell me where to add it in GIMP as well, in Windows 10.

Edit :

Thanks for the GIF. Easy to use in Inkscape.
(10-10-2021, 12:18 PM)meetdilip Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks @rich2005

Can you tell me where to add it in GIMP as well, in Windows 10.

Come on  Wink   Gimp gradients 'something' .ggr go in C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\gradients
Thanks Big Grin

I was looking under Inkscape and got confused why there is no " gradients " folder.

Update :

Works like a charm :thumbsup