Full Version: Making an image partly transparent
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Hi there. Can someone who is an expert with Gimp help me with a problem? I have pasted an image of an iridology chart below. I want to remove the white from this image altogether, so that the white layer is totally transparent. When I overlay this on the image of an iris, I will therefore be able to see the black lines and labels, but not the white, which will be transparent, showing the image of the eye that I have overlaid it on.

Also, is there a way of changing the colour of the black lines to another colour? This isn't essential, but it would be good if I could do this.

If you are able to help with my question, could you give me easy directions about how to do this, as I am not a regular Gimp user.


[Image: iridology-eyechart-big.jpg]
A problem is that your image is not a good quality. The "white" background is a blotchy grey and the "black" is a blotchy charcoal. A better image will give better results.

With the Colour Select tool with a Threshold of 60, select the black foreground. Looks like this:

Select > Invert

3. Edit > Clear (or press the Delete key). Looks like this:

Select > None

Set the Foreground Colour to red (or some other colour)

Lock the Alpha Channel, like this:

Bucket Fill the image with the set foregound colour