Full Version: Recreate this background picture
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Hey there, 

I would like te recreate this background (or at least the style of it) on Gimp but I don't event know where to begin. Can someone help me ?? 

[Image: Princes-03-1150x0-c-default.jpg]

Thank you very much !! Smile
I think this was painted as an original.  Probably not Gimp although should be possible using the mypaint brushes.

You might get something close, blending layers.
A blue base layers
A layer with some clouds, colorized and with a layer mask
A green layer with a layer mask.

Found some cloud images that do not have pintertheft stamped all over; 

...and it goes something like this:  duration 4 minutes.

You might want to try the blue background as a slight gradient blue to a lighter blue. It does become an artistic exercise.
Thank you so much for the tips !!
I did this during lunch.  Started with the blue background.  Added the green as a layer.  Twisted it using the rotated tool and moved it to its permanent spot.
Added the extra green using the Airbrush on normal (big brush size; medium-high spacing) - mode on Normal.

Added a off-white base for the fog with the airbrush (Bigger brush size - very little - like make-up Big Grin).  Mode - Addition; Opacity - 20; Hardness - 38 or lower.
Added the dotty fog with the airbrush:  Brush size - different small settings; Hardness - different settings between 55 -75; Mode - Addition;  Opacity - different settings - 55+
Denser/ bigger fog masses - bigger brush size and lower opacity again.
Create; Crop; Save; Export; Done in 20 minutes - which I don't think is too bad while still figuring out some stuff.
Thanks @Brieuc_m - had lots of fun!