Full Version: Remove background without pixelated edges
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Hey all,

I'm trying to cut a single piece out of a full jpg, delete the background, and change the color from black to white. When I select the image and delete everything else the edges come out looking all pixelated.  I was using the square select to remove the big chunks, then I was using the magic wand to select the image I want to save and use the invert select option to remove the background.

The magic wand selects by color, but there is a range of grayscale around the boarder when I delete the bulk of the image.

Any help is appreciated.

(01-03-2022, 10:48 PM)gcuoco37 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey all,

I'm trying to cut a single piece out of a full jpg, delete the background, and change the color from black to white. When I select the image and delete everything else the edges come out looking all pixelated.  I was using the square select to remove the big chunks, then I was using the magic wand to select the image I want to save and use the invert select option to remove the background.

The magic wand selects by color, but there is a range of grayscale around the boarder when I delete the bulk of the image.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi Greg - I would have used square select to just select the piece I wanted.  Then copy and paste (as new layer) to a new canvas.  From there, rather use the Free Select Tool, or Fuzzy select tool to get rid of the unwanted bits.  I don't know how intricate your image is - if very intracate, the Free select tool is probably best - just takes time and patience.