Full Version: Selection, crop not working anymore
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I have a weird behavior on my Linux installation.
I haveĀ  Gimp 2.10.30 and I'm not able to select a part of my image or to crop it.
Icons are available and I can click on them and set a fixed ratio, but when I try to set the fixed ratio or free ration clicking on the image, nothing happen.
I have the same behavior if I use my graphic tablet.

To be clear: mode is in "replace the current selection" not in "subtract"

What's going on ?

Quote:What's going on ?

Your last post and nothing was working then.

Never did determine which Gimp source you are using - flatpak / snap / PPA and one of those might be the source of the problem.

I am using kubuntu 20.04 / Gimp 2.10.30 from a PPA and everything is working OK

More information please.