Full Version: Chaining color/tint of selection
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This dog was standing on a red mat and you can see some of the red reflected on their white hair. I have removed all the extraneous parts of the image but would like to change the color or tint of the edges. 

If I used the fuzzy select tool to select these red areas how can I change those areas to more closely match the surrounding areas that are more white?

The natural colour might be the saviour.

You could try 
Duplicate the layer
Desaturate Colors -> Desaturate -> Desaturate  the bottom layer (lightest HSV mode)


Onto the top layer and add a layer mask `Layer -> Mask -> Add Layer Mask (white)
Use a fuzzy brush, colour about a 50% gray, make sure the layer mask is active, paint in the image over the red tints.

Thanks for the step by step! I got it working, very cool.