Full Version: Installing ofn-export-layers plugin
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I am trying to install ofn-export-layers plugin on gimp. I don't see option to export layers on gimp menu. I have already restarted gimp after installing the plugin.

I got it from here:

I am using gimp flatpak installation.

[Image: Untitled.png]
The plugin registers in the File menu. The entry is greyed out unless there is an open image.

This is a just-installed Mint 20 VM Gimp flatpack.


Ofnuts plugins when un-zipped should already be set as executable, but check anyway.

I have installed flatpak Gimp before, never noticed that it ran as superuser, I must check that. Gimp just opened up from the Mint graphics menu. 

Not much more I can really add. You can add a more convenient plugins location than ~/.var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins  but not essential. 

The flatpak does (should) come with python support. When you look in the Filters menu is there a Python-Fu entry. That shows there is python support.

Which linux distro are you using ?

Edit: It looks like the 'as superuser' is a issue with the MATE DE - it is a known issue where MATE's window manager Marco is misreporting that Flatpak applications are running as root when they aren't.