Full Version: Weblink inside a Pdf
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Hello thereĀ  Smile
I planning to make a PDF document and would like to insert some weblink inside.
Is it possible to do this with Gimp?
No. And don't fool yourself about the PDF. Your PDF will just be an envelope whose only content is an image. If you want to generate a true PDF (where text remains text) use another app (LibreOffice, Scribus, Word...) to make documents (where images can come from Gimp, if necessary).
Ok thanks for the explanations.
Would you recommend Sribus or LibreOffice for a use of layers, similar to Gimp?
Neither have layers, they work with pages. Neither similar to Gimp although LibreOffice Draw does have vector type drawing (lines boxes circles etc).

Scribus is for Desktop Publishing, sending to a printing company. It is frame based. Images / Text all go in their own frames on a page. Adding a hyperlink is possible but not straight forward. (anyway not much use when printed )

LibreOffice much easier to use, Insert a hyperlink directly from a menu entry. Export as a PDF . Lots of PDF options. Probably the best option for online publishing rather than actual printing.
Ok, thank you very much. I'm gonna try LibreOffice