Full Version: Half image, half transparent?
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How would I go about getting my image to be half transparent instead of half image and half white?

I tried applying layer mask to the image layer, and then using the gradient tool but it does half image half white... Where I'd like to to be half glitter and half transparent...

When I applied the layer mask, I chose the black (full transparency) option...

What am I doing wrong to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Thanks for any help. Smile

Never mind, I'm just a bonehead... I didn't realize it was working, but the background layer was white which is why I was seeing "white" instead of transparent... lol I'm all good now... I apologize!

Note to self: Make sure the background layer is either transparent to start with or not white... Ha!
No problem. This will be an answer for other people Smile Sometimes asking a question helps making you figure out the problem.