Full Version: Install the MathMap plug-in for Windows
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The old MathMap plugin has largely been superseded by say, gimp-gmic but is still interesting.

The Windows installer download is here:

One problem with the installer is its age, comes from 2009 and expects Gimp 2.6 not Gimp 2.8

There are various ways for getting MathMap working, here is mine, a short three minute video demo

This an update for Gimp 2.10 

The mathmap installer is ancient, made for Gimp 2.6 and will create .gimp-26 folders. The files can be copied to the Gimp 2.10 User Profile, a bit of a hassle for some, so I have zipped the files into a more convenient format. Still the original files, nothing changed there.

Get the zip from  not large about  5.8 MB

Unzip and put the mathmap folder in your Gimp User Profile (remember this is a hidden folder, un-hide it in Windows Explorer)

Put the mathmapw folder in your User profile plug-ins folder

The mathmap plugin with filters shows in Filters -> Generic -> Mathmap

A 2 minute demo of the above

Huge thanks for this. Not being able to get MathMap to work in Gimp 2.10 had kept me from updating from 2.8.