Full Version: Equivalent of "Dynamic object" on GIMP ?
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I would like to know if there was an equivalent of "Dynamic object" of Photoshop on GIMP?
Thank you

Sorry if this is not in the right category.
Quote:.I would like to know if there was an equivalent of "Dynamic object" of Photoshop on GIMP?..

These are vector objects and while Gimp can import a SVG file it is rendered as a bitmap and only adjustable by scale / rotate / shear /..etc

You can draw vector lines into a shape using the paths tool and that 'shape' is adjustable, but then that has to be made into pixels, either filled or stroked and becomes fixed.

There is also an old tool 'gfig' Filters -> Render -> Gfig that draws adjustable shapes on the canvas, but it is old, goes back to Gimp 1.0 and not very useful.