Full Version: Using foreground select tool to create transparent background
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I want to create a transparent background for a pic using GIMP on my MAC. I duplicate the layer, use the foreground tool to select and fill my image, hit return, then initialize layer mask for selection. When I hit "add", the background does not disappear like I hoped. Attached is the image just before I "add" the layer masks. The "after" shot looks just the same. The background has not disappeared. Any thoughts?
Quote:...I duplicate the layer, use the foreground tool to select and fill my image, hit return, then initialize layer mask for selection. When I hit "add", the background does not disappear like I hoped...

It is probably working, but because you have duplicated the layer, you will be seeing the layer underneath. Turn the layer visibility off.

Try it with a single layer
Make sure you have an alpha channel for transparency, when you have the selection (it appears you have that) either
Edit > Copy then Edit > Paste as > New image
Select > Invert then Edit > Cut

just get it into a minute  animation