Full Version: Remove path after clicking selection from Path
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I was just wondering if there is a setting to automatically delete / remove the path after clicking "Selection from Path"

Most of the time I create one selection area and then move on to another immediately and the only way I have found to remove the path is to change tool and start again. I would prefer to stay within the path tool creating paths and selections one after the other. Maybe there is a keyboard shortcut I am missing to clear the path and start creating a new path without exiting the tool?
Near your layers dialog / stack there is a tab called "Path"
Without changing the tool path, click on "New" in the path tab/dialog,


from this dialog on the oposite side of "New" you got a cross > delete

more about path dialog
path tool
In menu Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts, you can add your own keyboard shortcuts to a lot of action related to Paths.
Yep, as previous post:

You could try using keyboard shortcuts see:

In this animation

Set A for a selection from path
Set B for delete the path

Make sure you are on one end or the other of the path stack