Full Version: Different tool than that selected?
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I have no trouble with cloning but still have to work out perspective cloning.
Well I had a thought today that maybe I was going about it all wrong and tried again. Got my image and clicked on perspective clone then on the picture I wanted to copy.
For some reason the rotate tool was brought up? Even had this icon on my canvas Rotate - in the tool options it says perspective clone. I couldn't even try to do it today.
But why would that happen anyway. I checked my tools to make sure the correct one was highlighted. Could it be a bug?
Just tired the Perspective Clone. Same problem, except I get the Unified Transform tool.
Glad it isn't just me then. Maybe the transform tools are getting mixed ?
It is both of you.

The envelope is updated to similar to the Unified Transform tool a GEGL development.

For those that never use Unified Transform it is a great tool that allows multiple adjustments without switching tools, ultimately you get a better transform. Position of the cursor is everything.


...and perspective clone in action
Thank you