Full Version: Dotted box around Text -- how do I get rid of it?
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This is the most basic of questions, I realize.  I just downloaded GIMP yesterday and am an old woman who is not tech-savvy.  I created a new file and added some text.  A dotted box now appears around the text and I can't get the dots to go away.  I tried right clicking on both the text box and elsewhere on the screen after adding the text, thinking that would deselect the text.  It did not.  I tried clicking on the text tool, thinking perhaps that would turn off the text tool.  It did not.  I tried clicking on another tool, thinking that might deselect the text.  It did not.  I did a right click and chose Selection within the text box, but the None box is grayed out.  Finally, I saved the new file with the box around the text, thinking the box would go away after I saved the file.  I opened the file and the dotted box is still around the text.  

Can someone please help me?  I know I will do a DUH when someone tells me the answer, lol.  Thank you for whatever help you can provide.

Do not worry about that (yellow / black) border, it shows the size of the active layer, switch to another layer, that border vanishes, the new layer boundary shows. These are not part of the image, just internal Gimp markers.

You can turn them off from the View Menu -> Show Layer Boundary but I advise against that, especially for a beginner.

It is not the only dotted line in Gimp, there is one for a selection (moving marching ants) Use Selection -> None to close that Also (blue / black) for a guide. Image -> Guide -> Remove All Guides.

If you Save your image as a Gimp .xcf file then selections / guides are saved for future use. Export as a png or jpg, then the image is flattened and all those markers go Wink. Always Save as a xcf until complete, then Export.

That worked, thank you SO much!