Full Version: bizarre pixel brush - how to recreate?
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hello! i use gimp as my primary drawing tool, and while trying to make a lazy 2 pixel large square brush using the clipboard (drawing a two pixel large square, copying it to my clipboard, and just using it as a brush like that) i ended up getting some incredibly bizarre brush behavior out of it.

the brush i created acts something like a weird in-between of 1px and 2px, but only when i'm using the version directly from the clipboard - if i select clipboard mask, the brush acts the way i had expected it to in the first place.

[Image: brush%20weirdness.png]
now, i actually rather like this bizarre and crunchy looking brush, but there's a bit of a problem: i can't change its color until after it's on the canvas (i could also, of course, change the color of the 2px square on the clipboard and copy that, but that's a few extra steps that can add up to a LOT of extra time spent...). i can change the color of the clipboard mask version of the brush, but that looks completely different!

i don't really entirely understand how brushes on gimp work, so perhaps i'm missing something obvious here, but - is it possible to get the look of the brush on the LEFT side of the image but still have the ability to pick its color?
A grayscale image (truly grayscale, one single value channel, so Image > Mode > Grayscale) works like a mask (inverted): white is transparent; and black assume the foreground color. A RGB brush (all three channels even if R=G=B) is a color brush, and Gimp uses its color, so the color is not changed by the ground. The clipboard mask being a mask is natively a grayscale image, so uses the foreground color.

But... it appears that the "clipboard brush" is always seen as a color brush, even if grayscale. But if you export your 2px all-black brush as a GBR, it will work as a mask brush.

Experiments also show that the slight difference that you see between the two can be ascribed to the color/mask difference, because the exported 2px brush behaves exactly like the clipboard mask brush.
A couple of possibilities for getting some wierdness Wink

For the clipboard brush: A dynamic setting for a random colour. Since the 'randomness' is between FG and BG if they are both the same colour then.....


Make a new gih (gimp image hose) brush 2 px and 1 px greyscale to take the FG colour and a 1 to 2 pixel size
